If you manage to beat the main game, you may want to look into the Whistleblower DLC. Outlast is definitely far better and scarier if you play it alone in a dark room instead of simply watching other people play it and yelling incomprehensibly every couple of minutes.

But don’t let that keep you away from this title. At this point, the game might be best known as a popular choice for a lot of “Let’s Players” on Youtube and Twitch. Outlast is a first-person survival horror launched in 2013 by Red Barrels. In addition, the story is chock-full of dark moments that come to life in a major way thanks to the top-notch voice acting found throughout the game. While it does rely on a lot of jump scares and making the player feel like an action hero, The Suffering also features some of the most disturbing and twisted enemies found in horror games.

But it all depends on how you look at it. Some might see this one as more of an action game than a traditional horror title. The Suffering is a third-person psychological horror launched in 2004 by Midway Games and Surreal Software. However, the story itself is very different. Taking on the paranormal entity will not be a simple task but luckily for you, this horror game allows you to play as a badass Point Man how has a few superhuman powers of his own to even things out a bit. Admittedly, the character is highly reminiscent of Samara from The Ring so not all that original. The game revolves around supernatural phenomena and features a little girl known as Alma as its main antagonist. for short, is a survival horror FPS launched in 2005 by Monolith Productions and Sierra Entertainment. First Encounter Assault Recon, or F.E.A.R.